Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Tech Article 4/2

Fighting cancer and Ebola with nanoparticles

In medicine, finding a substance that attacks cancerous tumors without destroying the healthy tissue around it is harder than it seems. From targeted remedies such as monoclonal antibodies to surgery, cancer has still managed to elude a treatment that discretely and separately attacks it alone. Nanotechnologies, however, the manipulation of matter at a molecular and even atomic scale to penetrate living cells, are holding out the promise of opening a new front against deadly conditions from cancer to Ebola. In one study, Dr Webster's team is developing methods to attach gold nanoparticles to cancer cells. While nanoparticle technology still has many years of research ahead of it, nanostructured surfaces are already becoming part of the medical firmament.  One area where nanotechnology is shaping up as a medical game changer is in the area of medical sensors. Dr. Webster plans to present his research as a member of the American Anatomists Association at the Experimental Biology Conference 2015 on March 28-31. 

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Tech Article 3/27

'Uber for motorbikes' - the smart way to get around in a bustling capital

The motorbike taxis have their greatest popularity globally in Uganda, with over 80,000 riding the streets of Kampala. Safety has long been a concern for those riding boda bodas as the bikes are a leading cause of death and head injury in Kampala. The dangers lie in the low use of helmets -- by both drivers and users -- alongside risky driving and poor road safety practices. This makes many fearful of catching a two-wheeled ride but the team at SafeBoda are trying to lure people back on board. They're reinventing the boda boda reputation to prove they can be safe, as well as fast and economical. Since its inception in November 2014, the fleet of drivers at SafeBoda has reached 50, currently occupying four areas towards the north and center of the city. The team are dreaming big, with plans to expand to 100 by the end of March and 800 by the end of 2015.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Tech Article 3/20

Contact lens with built-in telescope could help people with blinding disease

Scientists are developing smart contact lenses embedded with miniscule mirrors that can magnify your vision by almost three times. The 1.55mm-thick lenses incorporate a thin reflective telescope made of mirrors and filters; when light enters the eye it bounces off the series of mirrors and increases the view of an object or person. It is hoped that the lens will improve the sight of people with age-related macular degeneration (AMD) -- the third leading cause of blindness globally. AMD causes the loss of central vision due to gradual damage to the eye's retina and there are few options for cure or treatment. The lenses have only been trialed on a handful of humans to test for comfort, with the majority of research to date performed in the lab using a model chemical eye. But more human trials are on the cards with the eventual goal of daily wearable contacts to aid the visually impaired.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Tech Article 3/13

'Foodini' machine lets you print edible burgers, pizza, chocolate

The "Foodini" isn't so different from a regular 3D printer and sends edible ingredients squeezed out of stainless steel capsules. The Barcelona based startup behind the machine says it's the only one of its kind to print edible dishes, from sweet to savory. This machine may sound like the ultimate laziness aid. This machine is designed to prepare time consuming and complex dishes. It promotes healthy eating by requiring fresh ingredients prepared before printing. The printing process may be slow, but faster than regular 3D printing. Users will also be able to control the device remotely using a smartphone, and share their recipes with the community. The company is completing a round of financing and plans to begin mass manufacturing in the second half of 2015.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Tech Article 3/6

Sony announces plans to release virtual-reality headset in 2016

Sony announces to the Game Developers Conference that they plan on releasing a virtual reality headset in 2016. The headset will work with Sony's Playstation 4 game console and camera by covering the user's vision and simulating virtual worlds on the screen. The prototype features a large 5.7-inch OLED screen that displays nearly a 100-degree field of view and is capable of rendering imagery at 120 frames per second. The headset will also have nine LED lights on its exterior used to track movement. For example, Sony used the headset with two Playstation Move controllers to simulate a shootout scenario inside a lavish building in London. And another demonstration featured tiny robots responding to users’ movements.