Thursday, May 28, 2015

Finding a Web 2.0 Tool - In Class Assignment May 28

Cometdocs can be used as an educational tool by allowing teachers to share PDF's or Word documents. I can use this tool for U.S history for Mrs. Gaven. I can use this tool by sharing DBQ's to Mrs. Gaven or any research paper that we could have. I can look up another person's document because Cometdocs gives you a public URL that you can post for others to use to download your document, and based on that I could see their's.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Social Bookmarking Project

What's another way you can organize and store information on your computers?
You can organize and store information by putting all of the information into one file.

What have you learned from researching the above topics? What do you know now about those current events that you didn’t know before?
I have learned how our nation is concerned about legalizing marijuana and their statistics.

What are other social bookmarking apps/websites?
BibSonomy, BlogBookmark and Blinklist are other social bookmarking apps/websites

Will you continue to use social bookmarking?
I may use social bookmarking in the near future.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Do Now 5/18

The things that ignite my desire to help make this world a better place is the medical field. In the medical field I can help people with their illnesses. I want to become a pediatrician where I can help children feel better. My life goal will not only fulfill my own needs but contribute to the community by letting them know that they can trust me with any situation that they need help in. And when I help them I will know that I have contributed with my community and helped people with their situations/problems.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Tech Article 5/15

The next big thing in tech: The desktop computer (yes, really)

You will see plenty of smartphones in the developing world and you'll see plenty of TVs; but you're unlikely to see desktop computers in remote areas .Poor internet connectivity, uncertain power supply and a simple lack of money have meant that billions have been locked out of the knowledge economy. Matt Dalio, CEO of Endless Computers, wants to change all of that with the first simplified, robust and affordable desktop aimed at emerging market consumers. Dalio told CNN he got the idea to create a $169 computer while he was traveling and noticed that, while most homes did not have a desktop computer, they often had an HD screen. It's equipped with app-based software and hardware that can cope with an uncertain power supply, Endless comes in a 32G and 500GB version both powered by 2GB of RAM.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Discussion Questions

Why did you select the sites you subscribed to?
I chose these sites because I found them interesting and it keeps me updated.

Was it easy to find feeds and to subscribe to them?
Most of them were easy to find but some of them I looked up at google their RSS feeds.

Which sites were your favorites?
My favorite sites are part of my personal folder such as: E! News and ThatsHeart blog.

What else can you use RSS feeds for?
You can use RSS feeds for school and to keep yourself updated.

How likely are you to continue to use RSS feeds in the future?
I am most likely not going to use RSS feeds because I really don't go online to keep myself updated with news.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Do Now 5/11

     If I were invisible for one day I would fight against burglars and help people. If there was a crime going on, I would try to help the innocent people and fight against the bad guy. Because the bad guy can't see me, I would stop him from getting away with his crime. However, if someone were to steal sneakily I would prevent them from exiting the store. I wouldn't take advantage of being invisible to commit crimes.
     For example, if there was a man stealing money from a store, I would try to prevent him from committing murder if he had a gun with him. The people would be happy that the bad guy didn't get away with it and that nobody got hurt. Often times people think that the man stealing is bad but maybe they really need it. If they really need it then I would also help them out since I'm invisible. In conclusion, no one can really assume that they are really the bad guy.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Tech Article 5/8

6 techie gifts for Mother’s Day

This Sunday is Mother’s Day, which means it’s time to think about which techie products are suited for your own mother, the moms in the office, extended family, or your wife. Fortunately, there are quite a few new gadgets for 2015 suited for the big day. There’s a digital picture frame that lets you load through a website. There’s even a clock radio that has a trendy flower-print design.

LivingPlug INLET ($25)

These colorful wall outlet covers serve multiple purposes. They are safer for kids, since the plugs are located below the faceplate. You can design your own (think: pictures of the kids). One outlet turns into three plugs and you can charge a phone or tablet using USB.

Nixplay Cloud Frame ($100)

This low-cost digital frame connects to the cloud so the kids (or grandkids) can stream photos from anywhere in the world. It connects to Facebook so you can add photos that way using a Web app or you can load pictures onto a local camera card. The frame powers down and can sense when someone is in the room and turn on automatically.

Jorno Bluetooth Keyboard ($99)

This portable keyboard will fit in mom’s purse or shoulder bag. It connects to an iPad over Bluetooth, but the pairing process is ultra-simple. The Jorno comes in a faux leather case, and the keys feel springy and responsive enough for fast typing sessions.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Blog Post 5/5

     A class that we should add to our school curriculum is a class about Life. In this class we could talk about topics that we would experience in life. It's important because we may not know how to respond to real life situations comparing to the ones we face as teenagers. Some topics that we could talk about in the class are marriage, confidence, friendship, etc. In this class the teacher would give advice to the students about life. The classes that we take now are not really related to what we could experience in the future.
     This class would meet at the beginning of the day because it will make you think about the topic for the rest of the day and may make you look at life differently. The students in the class would just have class discussions where everyone can contribute to the topic. In this class everyone can actually learn something from each other. The students shouldn't feel uncomfortable because they are surrounded by people that they have known for a long time. In this class you could feel thankful that someone is giving you advice that you will use in the future. In conclusion, the outcome that the students will get is a chance to make the right choices in life.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Tech Article 5/1

This Master Chef-trained robot kitchen will cook for you
The chef/kitchen has been produced in collaboration with BBC MasterChef winner Tim Anderson. The robotic arms can cook a variety of programmed recipes while you look on from outside. Chef Anderson himself programs the robot to make crab bisque - a tough enough dish for an actual human to whip up - and is pleasantly surprised by the results. It's not cheap, though. The MK1001 robot kitchen costs US $100 to reserve and US $72,000 to buy outright, though creator Moley does have a range of models available, starting from US $15,000. The kitchens are expected to be available from 2017.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Tech Article 4/17

A better way to type on your smartphone

Laptop keyboards are more cramped and flatter than desktop keyboards. BlackBerry keyboards force you to type with your thumbs. Smartphone keyboards make you to type on glass. If you're holding a tablet with one hand, it's even harder to type on than a phone. And smartwatches are so tiny that most have given up on keyboards altogether. So there are a couple ways of typing faster: 
  • Handwriting- Google this week unveiled a new app, Google Handwriting Input, that replaces your Android keyboard with handwriting. 
  • Using your voice- Most smartphones, tablets and smartwatches come equipped with some kind of voice dictation software. The primary tools from Apple (AAPL, Tech30), Google (GOOGL, Tech30) and Microsoft (MSFT, Tech30) are fairly accurate and zippy.
  • Predictive text- Smartphones have gotten pretty good at guessing what you're going to type. Just enter a few letters, and you'll get three options listed above your keyboard that your smartphone thinks you might be trying to say. Over time, as your smartphone gets to know you, it will get even better at predicting.
  • Swiping- Over time, as your smartphone gets to know you, it will get even better at predicting. Instead of typing each letter, Swype and other similar smartphone keyboards allow you to drag your finger across the keys to form words. It saves you time from lifting your thumbs.
  • Turning your phone sideways- An easy way to make your keyboard larger is to hold your phone in "landscape" mode. Larger keys give your thumbs much more room for error.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Wiki Dissection OS

What is the purpose of this Wiki?
It gives you information about disruptive technology and examples of disruptive technologies used in the classroom.

When was the last post?
The last revision was October 31, 2006

How was this Wiki created?
This wiki was created by a group of people creating an account where they can share information to benefit the topic on

What would you add to it?
 I would add images and also a section where the information is simpler and easy.

What did you learn from it?
I learned that there are a lot of technologies where you can get information that can be useful and helpful to students; however, it can be disruptive in the classroom.

If you had to create a Wiki with a team, what would be the specific topic (s)?
My specific topic would have to be about anything relating to medicine and the medical field.

How can Wikis be used in the classroom or in education?
It can be used to search up historic topics that can be used for a research paper.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


I think Wikipedia was a reliable source because it gives you simple information and citations about the topic that you are searching up. There are pros and cons to Wikipedia such as that it can be edited and that it is an easy and quick website to look up things. Teachers don't approve Wikipedia because they say that it is not reliable and that they know that some students would just copy and paste the information and turn it in as their own work. The video was interesting because it shows how people would think that its reliable or not. However, it is ironic that the teachers use Wikipedia and tell there students that Wikipedia is false and not reliable. Overall, I think that Wikipedia is reliable and easy to find.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Spring Break

      Over spring break I just spent time with my family and friends, and went to track. My friends and I went to the movies and saw "Insurgent" which is a pretty good movie. I liked "Insurgent" because it had a lot of action and it was interesting. It is based off of "Divergent" which is a best selling novel. And at the mall I bought new sneakers for track. On Easter, I went to church with my family. After my sister and my cousins dyed eggs, while I was hiding other eggs with my parents for a scavenger hunt. My dad also bought a trampoline because my sister has been wanting one for a long time.
      During spring break I had to go to track meets and practices. Track is a way that I can prepare for volleyball rather than procrastinate at home whether to workout or not. I
signed up for track because I thought it would be fun considering that my friends are in it. Track is pretty hard because there are a lot events that challenge your skills in running. At one track meet it was really cold that we had to all huddle up for warmth. I had to borrow my friend's blanket because I didn't think that it was going to be that cold. In conclusion, I had a great spring break and I think that it was fun.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Reflection About an Article

I think that this article is very helpful to those people who like social media. This article provides a well detailed advice for people to consider when their on any social media. It gives great advice because some people don't really think before they put something on the internet. For example, people develop their own online reputation based on the information that they put on their social media. Privacy is another consideration from the article that says how social media is not always 100% private. For instance, when you are applying for a job, they can go through your social media easily. The article also points out that your freedom of speech shouldn't lead to people offending needlessly. Another tip to remember is not to curse on social media because it just promotes profanity. People should handle negativity in an appropriate manner. In conclusion, career minded students should take this advice.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Tech Article 4/2

Fighting cancer and Ebola with nanoparticles

In medicine, finding a substance that attacks cancerous tumors without destroying the healthy tissue around it is harder than it seems. From targeted remedies such as monoclonal antibodies to surgery, cancer has still managed to elude a treatment that discretely and separately attacks it alone. Nanotechnologies, however, the manipulation of matter at a molecular and even atomic scale to penetrate living cells, are holding out the promise of opening a new front against deadly conditions from cancer to Ebola. In one study, Dr Webster's team is developing methods to attach gold nanoparticles to cancer cells. While nanoparticle technology still has many years of research ahead of it, nanostructured surfaces are already becoming part of the medical firmament.  One area where nanotechnology is shaping up as a medical game changer is in the area of medical sensors. Dr. Webster plans to present his research as a member of the American Anatomists Association at the Experimental Biology Conference 2015 on March 28-31. 

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Tech Article 3/27

'Uber for motorbikes' - the smart way to get around in a bustling capital

The motorbike taxis have their greatest popularity globally in Uganda, with over 80,000 riding the streets of Kampala. Safety has long been a concern for those riding boda bodas as the bikes are a leading cause of death and head injury in Kampala. The dangers lie in the low use of helmets -- by both drivers and users -- alongside risky driving and poor road safety practices. This makes many fearful of catching a two-wheeled ride but the team at SafeBoda are trying to lure people back on board. They're reinventing the boda boda reputation to prove they can be safe, as well as fast and economical. Since its inception in November 2014, the fleet of drivers at SafeBoda has reached 50, currently occupying four areas towards the north and center of the city. The team are dreaming big, with plans to expand to 100 by the end of March and 800 by the end of 2015.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Tech Article 3/20

Contact lens with built-in telescope could help people with blinding disease

Scientists are developing smart contact lenses embedded with miniscule mirrors that can magnify your vision by almost three times. The 1.55mm-thick lenses incorporate a thin reflective telescope made of mirrors and filters; when light enters the eye it bounces off the series of mirrors and increases the view of an object or person. It is hoped that the lens will improve the sight of people with age-related macular degeneration (AMD) -- the third leading cause of blindness globally. AMD causes the loss of central vision due to gradual damage to the eye's retina and there are few options for cure or treatment. The lenses have only been trialed on a handful of humans to test for comfort, with the majority of research to date performed in the lab using a model chemical eye. But more human trials are on the cards with the eventual goal of daily wearable contacts to aid the visually impaired.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Tech Article 3/13

'Foodini' machine lets you print edible burgers, pizza, chocolate

The "Foodini" isn't so different from a regular 3D printer and sends edible ingredients squeezed out of stainless steel capsules. The Barcelona based startup behind the machine says it's the only one of its kind to print edible dishes, from sweet to savory. This machine may sound like the ultimate laziness aid. This machine is designed to prepare time consuming and complex dishes. It promotes healthy eating by requiring fresh ingredients prepared before printing. The printing process may be slow, but faster than regular 3D printing. Users will also be able to control the device remotely using a smartphone, and share their recipes with the community. The company is completing a round of financing and plans to begin mass manufacturing in the second half of 2015.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Tech Article 3/6

Sony announces plans to release virtual-reality headset in 2016

Sony announces to the Game Developers Conference that they plan on releasing a virtual reality headset in 2016. The headset will work with Sony's Playstation 4 game console and camera by covering the user's vision and simulating virtual worlds on the screen. The prototype features a large 5.7-inch OLED screen that displays nearly a 100-degree field of view and is capable of rendering imagery at 120 frames per second. The headset will also have nine LED lights on its exterior used to track movement. For example, Sony used the headset with two Playstation Move controllers to simulate a shootout scenario inside a lavish building in London. And another demonstration featured tiny robots responding to users’ movements.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Tech Article 2/27

'Instagram for doctors' lets medics share photos to solve mystery cases

Doctors always have the desire to share the unknown, or complex. Last year, Shipes began using Figure 1, which is a photo sharing app. In this app, doctors would share photographs and information about their patients for learning and it is available in 19 countries. Landy, a medic, believes that this app will seek external opinions when treating a variety of patients. It was launched in May 2013; Figure-1 enables users to take an image, remove any identifying information, and upload the image for feedback from the community of healthcare users accessing the app. In the summer of 2014, there were 150, 000 users, and the number is expected to be higher today with images in the library being viewed on average about 1.5 million times a day.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Tech Article 2/23

U.S. Navy unveils robotic firefighter

The U.S Navy is looking for new technology that will help fire at sea. They have come to a conclusion that they should a send a fire resistant robot through smoky fire-stricken warships. This robot will have access to damage with a camera that can see through smoke. This robotic firefighter is called Shipboard Autonomous Firefighting Robot (SAFFiR). The team at the Office of Naval Research (ONR) chose a humanoid-type robot as the best way of negotiating the narrow passageways, ladders and hatches (all designed for human mobility) of a modern ship. SAFFiR is 5 feet 10 inches and weighs 143 pounds. The team equipped the robot with a suite of sensors that include a camera, a gas sensor and a stereo infrared camera that will allow it to find its way through the choking black smoke that would prevent human firefighters.

Web 2.0: Multimedia Blog Pre-Posting

      This year I am taking English II which is one of my favorite classes. My English teacher is Mrs. Wallach. She is really funny, outgoing and makes everyone laugh. She knows how to grab everyone's attention even if the topic is really boring. She makes it really interesting and doesn't make it sound boring anymore. When class first started, I thought that it was going to be boring but Mrs. Wallach knows how to get the class going and knows how to captivate everyone's attention. Right now we are learning about feminism, which means that women should have the rights to have equality to men.
      As my teacher's grading policy, she makes us do a seminar that involves the class to contribute and ask questions about the book that we are reading at that moment. You get a grade based on your answer, how much you spoke, and whether you contributed in the seminar or not. We once had a seminar about the book "Of Mice and Men". And for homework, she briefly looks at the homework that we do; however, when we do journals, she would grade it on the day we hand it in. in this class, I like it when we read out loud and discuss about the book. And i also like it when she would ask us some stereotypical questions and asks for our opinions. For example, is a woman's place in the house, the kitchen?
      Technology is used in our class for our projects. For example, we used the computers for our farm project and our video for "A Rose for Emily". For our farm project we had to research how much our farm would be and the cost for the animals. Our video project was about the short story "A Rose for Emily", we used our phones and imported the videos to my friend's Macbook pro. We edited the video for THREE HOURS!!! Our video came out great and funny. And in class, we saw everyone's videos and they were really FUNNY!!! What I like about Mrs. Wallach's class is that we can actually talk about topics that we like and she knows how to make any situation funny and interesting.


Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Tech Article 2/12

Disney invents an adorable robot for making giant sand drawings

Disney's latest invention, or electromechanical project, is called BeachBot. It is 2 feet long and 15 inches wide and tall. This robot can draw images from "The Lion King" to "Finding Nemo" in under 10 minutes. It creates a variety of brush strokes that range from two to 15 inches wide. However, BeachBot does have some limitations. The fine motor controls of BeachBot does not work well sand and salty surf. RTo prevent this, they have to build rubberized seals into the design to protect the sensitive internal workings from the elements (extar care is required in maintenance).

Monday, February 9, 2015

Welcome Post

Hey guys, welcome to my blog! My name is Kim and my favorite colors are pink, blue, and purple. I also like spending time with my family and friends, especially on my favorite holiday, Christmas!!!! I have a little sister and everyone says that we are like twins, But i don't see it. My favorite sport is volleyball because it is a lot of fun and I can spend time with my friends. My favorite food is waffles and berries because it is so delicious. Now what I don't like are bugs such as spiders, cockroaches, and centipedes. When I grow up, I hope to become a nurse or a dentist because I have always thought that the medical field was so interesting to me.

Educational Technology and Copyright Law

This article talks about the importance of copyrighting information off of the internet. Although plagiarizing is bad, there is a way that people can use the context. Such as using it for educational purposes. The cool thing that I just found out was that any of your work is copyrighted immediately and you don't have to fill out any paperwork!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Tech Article 2/6

In a hurry? Let a robot valet park your car!

       Ray, the robot valet, is now a solution for those who just want to throw there keys at the parking valet. The creator of Ray, automated forklift truck, is Germany's Serva Transport. This aimed for business travelers in a hurry; however, all travelers have to drop their car off at a designated area. It can be controlled on an app and retrieves cars based on flight arrivals data. Furthermore, you can go to a nearby touch screen to confirm the car is empty and Ray does the rest. It costs $5.50 an hour for parking. Ray uses sensors to measure the car and photograph the car, then gently lifts it off the ground and takes it to one of 249 parking spots reserved for the robot, Ray.
CNN Article