Thursday, March 26, 2015

Tech Article 3/27

'Uber for motorbikes' - the smart way to get around in a bustling capital

The motorbike taxis have their greatest popularity globally in Uganda, with over 80,000 riding the streets of Kampala. Safety has long been a concern for those riding boda bodas as the bikes are a leading cause of death and head injury in Kampala. The dangers lie in the low use of helmets -- by both drivers and users -- alongside risky driving and poor road safety practices. This makes many fearful of catching a two-wheeled ride but the team at SafeBoda are trying to lure people back on board. They're reinventing the boda boda reputation to prove they can be safe, as well as fast and economical. Since its inception in November 2014, the fleet of drivers at SafeBoda has reached 50, currently occupying four areas towards the north and center of the city. The team are dreaming big, with plans to expand to 100 by the end of March and 800 by the end of 2015.

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